2009年10月26日 星期一
2009年10月8日 星期四
2009年10月4日 星期日
*你穿著鬆垮的內褲 在家裡走來走去
*你靜靜的喝著咖啡 你靜靜的看著書
*你躺在我腿上 跟我撒嬌
*你彈著你的琴 自信十足
*你抱著肚子 說肚子痛 (我想你吃太多辣椒了)
*你拿起菜刀 變出好多樣菜
*你皺著眉頭 想著事情
*你替快乾死的盆栽 澆水
*掉在地上的食物 你撿起繼續吃
*我打破東西 你問我有沒有受傷
*我煮了難吃的菜 你吃光光 (可能是你肚子痛的原因)
*我泡了好喝的咖啡 你喝光光 (可能是你肚子痛的另一個原因)
*頭髮長長了 你讓我幫你剪
*你煮飯 我洗碗 你倒垃圾
*下班後下雨 你要來捷運站接我
*你晚上睡覺 會說夢話 還會大笑
*別人對你不禮貌時 你還是微笑對人 之後罵fuck
*鞋底和鞋身分離的鞋 你黏好繼續穿
* 你洗過的碗 油油的
*你大聲打噴嚏 嚇死人
*你喝太多 睡死
*變形的上衣 你捨不得丟
*你那雙復古的皮鞋 爸爸的
*你靜靜的喝著咖啡 你靜靜的看著書
*你躺在我腿上 跟我撒嬌
*你彈著你的琴 自信十足
*你抱著肚子 說肚子痛 (我想你吃太多辣椒了)
*你拿起菜刀 變出好多樣菜
*你皺著眉頭 想著事情
*你替快乾死的盆栽 澆水
*掉在地上的食物 你撿起繼續吃
*我打破東西 你問我有沒有受傷
*我煮了難吃的菜 你吃光光 (可能是你肚子痛的原因)
*我泡了好喝的咖啡 你喝光光 (可能是你肚子痛的另一個原因)
*頭髮長長了 你讓我幫你剪
*你煮飯 我洗碗 你倒垃圾
*下班後下雨 你要來捷運站接我
*你晚上睡覺 會說夢話 還會大笑
*別人對你不禮貌時 你還是微笑對人 之後罵fuck
*鞋底和鞋身分離的鞋 你黏好繼續穿
* 你洗過的碗 油油的
*你大聲打噴嚏 嚇死人
*你喝太多 睡死
*變形的上衣 你捨不得丟
*你那雙復古的皮鞋 爸爸的
2009年10月3日 星期六
2009年10月1日 星期四
our special day October 1

I sat on the staircase of ShinTien temple
music accompanied me while waiting for you
butterflies in my stomache
When you appeared in front of me
I did not recognize you straight away
It was the first time I saw the different side of you
You pushed your old bicycle along while I walked beside you
we strolled on the street
among crowds of people and cars
yet there were only you and me on this planet
you took me to the restaurant you like the most
I talked non stop so to hide away my shyness
I was impressed by how much you could drink
chatting, laughing and eating
the restaurant was about to close
you smiled at me and told me
that you were taking me to have the best cheese cake
we walked and chatted on the way there
by the time we got there
the gate of the shop was half down
you went under it and went in
you got the cheese cake!!
that night
the moon was evidently brighter
she lightened the dark night of the world of two
we got to your place
music, coffee, tea , laughters and cheese cake
time flew
it was 2 am
I had to go
I departed with a smile on my face
looking forward to our next rendezvous
that day........
I sat on the staircase of ShinTien temple
music accompanied me while waiting for you
butterflies in my stomache
When you appeared in front of me
I did not recognize you straight away
It was the first time I saw the different side of you
You pushed your old bicycle along while I walked beside you
we strolled on the street
among crowds of people and cars
yet there were only you and me on this planet
you took me to the restaurant you like the most
I talked non stop so to hide away my shyness
I was impressed by how much you could drink
chatting, laughing and eating
the restaurant was about to close
you smiled at me and told me
that you were taking me to have the best cheese cake
we walked and chatted on the way there
by the time we got there
the gate of the shop was half down
you went under it and went in
you got the cheese cake!!
that night
the moon was evidently brighter
she lightened the dark night of the world of two
we got to your place
music, coffee, tea , laughters and cheese cake
time flew
it was 2 am
I had to go
I departed with a smile on my face
looking forward to our next rendezvous
that day........
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