stomache condition :ok...I think
physical condition:good but a little tired
到 印度後,天氣一直都很好.以為是下雨季節,但是每天都出大太陽.今天呢,我們準備去我們西塔琴老師.老師建議我們坐巴士去Barddhaman.比較方便 也不會太過擁擠.還沒在印度坐過巴士所以還蠻期待的.巴士坐滿人後,搖搖晃晃的出發了.我就像是要去郊遊的小朋友.興奮不已.微風慢慢吹過我的臉.哇~好 舒服阿! 我們在塞滿車子,腳踏車等等的路上穿梭.還是被各種吵雜的聲音包圍著.過了大概30分鐘吧.我們終於"突破圍牆"..車子速度開始慢慢加快.我微笑著,讓 風輕輕吻我的臉,但當車子越開越快時,風速也變強了.強風把我的微笑弄僵了.眼睛也張不開了.然後我前面的人往車外吐痰.我眼睛突然睜大.心想"請不要再 吐了啊!我坐在你後面啊!我可不想被痰賞巴掌!"不過他技術很好! 我很安全!
The weather was really good when we were there. We thought it was monsson season,but everyday we were greeted by the smiling sun. We were heading to visit our sitar Guruji. He suggested us to take the bus which was more convenient. I hadn't used the bus yet so I was looking forward to it. Soon we were heading to our destination. We staggered our way out. There were full of cars, bikes, people,basically just everything! And we were surrounded by all types of noises too. After about 30 minutes we were out of the traffic and the bus slowly accelerated. I was smiling, letting the soft wind brushing by my face, however when the bus started driving faster, the soft wind became strong wind, and my smile became stiff and eyes shut tight.Then this guy in front of me suddenly spat out of the window.I was thinking " Please stop it, I don't want to be slapped on my face with your phlegm!" Surprisingly he had good spitting skills and I was safe all the way to Barddhaman.
our bus
view from the bus.noisy crow!
view from the bus
a lady rushing somewhere

我們的老師 Sabyasachi Sarkhel
our sitar Guruji Sabyasachi Sarkhel
Our teacher's wife- Pinky di made us snack
it's a little like fried rice
Guruji was very kind. He took us for a tour around Barddhaman.
don't worry, there wasn't a fire, just someone cooking
Shiva temple
There are 108 of them
我 們要離開時.一群小朋友跑來向我們要錢.我們沒有給.上了車後.他們拍著我們的車門和車窗,繼續要.在行駛中,他們仍然緊貼著車子.不放棄.真擔心他們受 傷.Little kids asking us to spare some change, however we didn't do that. After getting on the car, they still didn't give up. There were sticking to the car while we were moving. I was a bit worried.
I heard pleasant voice of singing when we got back to Guriji's home. I thought someone was listening to music, it was actually Pinky
di teaching singing.
Pinkydi's other students playing on the balcony.
Guruji also had students to teach. Yo and I were lucky to have a lesson with him too.
Time flew by fast. We had a great time at Guruji's. We left unwillingly and took a rickshaw to go to the train station. There were people lying on the ground in the train station. Some were waiting for the train, some were living there. In India there are a lot of powercuts. This photo was taken just before the powercut. Yo and I were sipping cha with crowds of people/richshaws/cows in the dark.
在一下有電,一下沒電的車站中等待著我們的火車,聽他們說印度的火車常常會延誤.有時2小時.有時6小時.我當時已抱著要在火車站過夜的心態等著火車.沒想到.火車只有延誤30分鐘.真是奇蹟阿!!真是不可預測的印度阿!So between powercuts, we waited in the platform with other passengers. I heard that trains in India are always delayed, sometimes 2 hours or 6 hours. I was prepared to sleep over in the train station. Fortunately our train was only 30 minutes delayed! Really is unpredicatable.
我們坐的是過夜臥鋪的快車(Doom Express).車程應該是9個小時或更久(如果有延誤).上了車時已經晚上11點多了.已可以聽到打呼的聲音.從不同的方向傳來.Yo很體貼.他訂了有冷氣且比較少人分車廂的位置.讓我能好好睡.但是我們平常不吹冷氣的.兩個人冷個半死.火車上有提供枕頭和被子.但是還是有點冷.我以為我會很難睡著.沒想到一躺下去就不省人事了.醒來時.我們再2個小時就要到瓦拉那西了!We took a night train(Doom Express).It should take 9 hours or more to our destination. By the time we got on the train, it was around11pm,We could hear snoring sound coming from different directions. Yo was very thoughtful to book the compartment that had AC and less people. However, we don't use AC in Taiwan so we were freezing to death on the train. Even though they applied pillows, bed sheets and blankets on the train, it was still too cold. I thought I would be too nervous to fall asleep, but I dropped dead pretty quickly. When we woke up, we were arriving Varanasi in 2 hour's time.