2010年10月4日 星期一



地點:加爾各答 -印度 

location: kolkata- India
stomache condition :ok
physical condition: awake

抵達加爾各答機場走 出飛機的那一霎那."恩......聞起來不太一樣的地方"機場看起來舊舊的.有汗水的味道,潮濕的味道,(沒有咖哩味!大家都問我這件事)天花板上掛著 舊式的鐵風扇.吹著微熱的風.沒有太多的遊客.我們很快的就出關了.機場的計程車是可以先在機場先付車資.這樣司機就不能亂叫價.然而我們走出去時,就一 堆人圍了上來.要做我們的生意.我緊跟在Yo的後面.我們還沒上車,就有其他的司機在跟我們要錢了.我當時覺得"太誇張了吧!我們又不是坐你的車"年輕的 司機,載著我們前往加爾各答.悶熱的車內(沒有冷氣喔),參雜著汗水,檳榔,還有不知道什麼的味道.車子晃阿晃的.不停的喇叭車,空氣汙染,擁擠的交通. 滿臉的汗水. 我笑了.我真的到了印度了!

The moment I walked out of the plane, I smelled the differences already. The scent of sweat, humidity welcomed our arrival(no curry smell! Everyone's been asking me that). The arrival part of the airport looked old, and there  were old style metal fans on the ceiling that blew warm breeze. There weren't too many tourists  and we got out pretty quickly. You can prepay for the taxi in the airport so that the taxi driver "can't " ask you to pay more when you arrive your destination. Once we stepped out of the airport exit, a group of taxi drivers surrounded us,hoping to take the business. Before we got on our taxi, other taxi drivers had asked us for some money. I thought " That's a bit too much! We aren't even driving with you!".Inside the stuffy taxi ( no AC), combined the smell of sweat, beatle nut, and whatever the smell was, and air pollution,  sweaty face, lots of people, lot of cows, insane traffic and endless honking.  And then.... I smiled! " I am really in India!"

加 爾各答的交通.人擠人.車擠車,人擠車,車子不停的喇叭聲, rickshaw的叭咘聲.隨地吐痰的人.骯髒的空氣.走在路上時候,都會有計程車司機或是rickshaw司機問你要不要坐車.喔.還有很多的烏鴉 .很吵! 一開始還˙覺得很有趣,好笑.但後來就開始有點受不了.覺得沒有平靜的一刻.到了旅館後,終於可以休息了.在旅館裡的寧靜.是一個特別的禮物.跟台北比起 來, 台北真是個安靜的好地方啊!

Traffic is crazy in Kolkata. Always fighting with cars and people on the street. Endless honking from taxis, rickshaws and people spitting on the street.Oh, and the over happy crows chattering all the time. Very noisy! At first, I found all this very interesting and funny, but gradually I started losing my patience! There weren't any peaceful moments,and I started to feel like punching someone. Luckily we could take a good rest in the hotel, what a tranquil place and a special gift. Compare Kolkata to Taipei, Taipei is actually a super quiet city!

toilet switch of our hotel room

Our hotel area

 A corner of Kolkata

晚上Yo帶我去"roof top dinner".我們吃著好吃的印度菜,伴著我們的,還是路邊的噪音.但是我笑了.這就是印度.  旅館裡大大的天風扇.比冷氣還好用!我就在天風扇嗡嗡聲中睡著了.

We had dinner at the roof top of a posh hotel. Great food accompanied with noises of the street.Yet I smiled again. This is India! The big ceiling fan in the hotel was better than the AC. AC always makes my nose stuffy. The ceiling fan blew soft breeze on me, the  droning sound was like a lullaby.
